Who is Mo.?

Mohammad is the director of Innovation and Technology at Mahd Sports Academy, deputy director of KACST Academy, and the founder and chairman of the Saudi Rowing Federation. Mohammad worked with the Engineering Design Center, University of Cambridge, to develop a tangible programming language that supports children in learning programming concepts. He received a certificate of postgraduate studies in computer science from the University of Cambridge, where he investigated the sensations involved in interacting with tangible programming languages. Prior to his studies at Cambridge, Mohammad was a graduate student research assistant in the City Science (Changing Places) group at the MIT Media Lab and received an M.Sc degree in Media Arts and Sciences. He was a research associate in the Center for Complex Engineering Systems (CCES) at KACST and MIT and a teaching fellow at Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

Curriculum Vite (resume )



CPGS in Computer Science

University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK

  • The abstract notion of tangible programming in collaborative situation for the Internet of Things
  • Graphics and Interaction Group (“Rainbow”), Computer Lab
  • Scholarship from King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia


M.S. in Media, Arts and Sciences

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge

  • The Impact of Computer Interfaces on Multi-Objective Negotiation Problem Changing
  • Changing Places Group, Media Lab
  • Scholarship from King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia


M.S. in Information

University of Michigan (UM), Ann Arbor

  • Human-Computer-Interaction (HCI) and Incentive-Centered Design (ICD)
  • Scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia


B.S. in Computer Engineering

King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Saudi Arabia

  • University honored student
  • College of Computer Science and Engineering Dean’s List


2021 - current

Innovation and Technology Director

Mahd Sports Academy

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2021 - 2021

Innovation and Strategy Consultant

Mahd Sports Academy

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2021 - 2021

Deputy Director

KACST Academy at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST)

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2019 - 2021

Founder and Chairman of the Board

Saudi Rowing Federation

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

2011 - 2021

Research Associate

Center for Complex Engineering Systems (CCES) at KACST and MIT

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia - Cambridge, MA, USA

2013 - 2016

Research Assistant

MIT Media Lab (Changing Places Group, and City Science Initiative)

Cambridge, MA, USA


Teaching Fellow

CS171 - Visualization Course at Harvard

School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

2010 - 2012

Research Assistant

Radiation Oncology

University of Michigan Health System, Ann Arbor, MI

2008 - 2009

Communication and Marketing Assistant

Informatics Program

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

2006 - 2007

VSAT Engineer and Hub Manager

Saudi Systems Corp. / Hughes

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Atos Origin Middle East

Summer Intern

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


Signal2 campaign product promoter

Gulflink - Unilever

Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia


Peer-Reviewed Articles

Hadhrawi, M. K., Miranowski, D. K., Ramasubramanian, V., & Sanchez D. O. (2016). SoundScape: Sound Enabled Shape-Changing Material. In CHI’16 extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. ACM. [submitted]

Alfaris, A., Khiyami, A., Alawad, A., Alsaati, A., & Hadhrawi, M. (2015). The Integrated Energy Decision Support System. In Systems Engineering.

Aldawood, S., Aleissa, F., Almalki, A., Alrashed, T., Alhindi, T., Alnasser, R., Hadhrawi, M. K., Alfaris, A. & Al-Wabi, A. (2015). Collaborative Tangible Interface (CoTI) for Complex Decision Support Systems. In Design, User Experience, and Usability: Users and Interactions (pp. 415-424). Springer International Publishing.

Hadhrawi, M. K., Wang, Y., Lex, A., & Larson, K. (2014). CreativeCities: What Makes Cities Creative. In IEEE InfoVis. IEEE.

Hadhrawi, M. K., Nouh, M., Alfaris, A., & Sanchez, A. (2013). CoPI: a web-based collaborative planning interface platform. In Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Interaction for Learning, Culture, Collaboration and Business, (pp. 287-296). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

Nouh, M., Hadhrawi, M., Sanchez, A., & Alfaris, A. (2013, October). Towards cloud-based decision support platform for group decision making. In Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), 2013 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 50-55). IEEE.

Nouh, M., Hadhrawi, M., Sanchez, A., & Alfaris, A. (2013). A Collaborative Web-based Decision Support Platform for Planning Complex Engineering Systems: A Design and Architecture Framework. In 2013 EURO Working Group on Decision Support Systems (EWG-DSS).

Work in Progress

Hadhrawi, M. K. & Alfaris, A. (2016). Interactive Visualization for Complex Systems. Interactions. [to be submitted]

Hadhrawi, M. K., Alfaris A., & Alsaati, A. (2016) UCD: an Approach to Support Collaborative Planning for Sustainable Development at Government Organizations. In The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices. ACM. [to be submitted]


2015 - current

CityGame, Changing Places Group, MIT

Research Leader, Master Thesis

  • Hypothesis: a Tangible User Interface is more effective for multi-objective group decision making than a graphical or multitouch user interface
  • Interviewed multiple stakeholders to understand the decision making process in urban planning.
  • Defined the points of contentions and cooperation between the players (potential stakeholders).
  • Developed a web-based graphical and tangible interface for a city planning negotiation game.
  • Setup an in-between subjects study to evaluate the different interfaces with different users.

2013 - current

CityScope, Changing Places Group, MIT

Research Leader

  • Developed tangible interface to interact with the CityScope LEGO model using object detection and image processing techniques.
  • Setup 3D projection with multiple projectors.
  • Developed a visualization tool to compare cities and to discover what makes cities creative.
  • Developing a framework to support decision makers in their analysis using interaction.
  • Designing an interface to simplify the interaction with complex system.
  • Developed a multitouch table-top display with object detection system.
  • Developing an Agent-Based Model to simulate pedestrian and transportation pattern within a neighborhood

2012 - 2013

Boeing Decision Support Center, KACST - Boeing

  • Investigated digital workspaces to support large datasets interaction, visualization and simulation.
  • Investigated immersive environments to support group simulation and collaboration

2011 - 2013

SIPS: Sustainable Infrastructure Planning Systems, CCES

Research Leader

  • Investigated decision process in governments and organizations.
  • CPI: developed a web based collaborative planning interface.
  • Investigated different framework architecture to develop CPI architecture.
  • Evaluated existing visualization techniques.
  • Visualized large datasets stored in non-relational database.
  • Fabricating a digital workspace for physical collaboration.
  • Conducted research in decision making.
  • Investigated different modeling techniques.

20011 - 2012

CollabEval: Collaborative Tools to Support Remote Collaboration, CCES

  • Evaluated web-based collaboration tools to support communication, file sharing and time management activities between CCES Riyadh and Cambridge sites.
  • Applied a competitive analysis comparison on the selected tools based on desirability, feasibility, reliability and viability.

2011 - 2012

CDL: Collaborative Design Lab, CCES

Project Leader

  • Designed state of the art lab aimed to connect researchers between Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Cambridge, USA into a single virtual lab.
  • Designed a visualization wall to visualize large data sets on multiple domains, in addition to helping distant researches communicate.

2009 - 2011

Treatment Planning System, UMHS

  • Investigated synergies between physician, physicists and dosimetrists.
  • Investigated treatment team - tools interaction.
  • Designed import interfaces.
  • Designed and developed machine interface.
  • Designed and developed web portal.
  • Investigated physical and digital workspaces.

2009 - 2011

MC Research: Ann Arbor Hands On Museum, UM

  • Research Assistant (volunteered) at the School of Information
  • Investigated children-exhibit interaction to enhance learning experience.
  • Developed and iPhone application to guide children in their interaction with exhibits.


APRIL, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, UM

  • Investigating methods to create a motion preferences module for robots.


ADLER Planetarium, Space Visualization Lab, Chicago, IL

Team Leader

  • Conducted a usability study on the use of Microsoft tags (TagReader app on the iPhone and other smart phones) for lab exploration.
  • Recommended ways to improve visitors experience and their interaction with exhibits.

2008 - 2009

Informatics Program Website, UM

  • Created a generalized transition network for the previous Informatics website.
  • Designed and maintained a new website using css/html.

2006 - 2007

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Satellite Network, Saudi Systems

  • Monitored the organization Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) satellite network.
  • Supervised and engaged in the installation of satellite network system in multiple sites.
  • Managed effectively group of people with varying languages and background.


SADAD, Saudi Arabian Monitory Agency Electronic Transactions

  • Designed and developed an application for electronic bill payments.
  • Monitored network operations and activities.



CreativeCities Visualization Tool, Harvard

Data Visualization

  • Investigating what makes cities creative within a neighborhood level.
  • Collected and analyzed BigData.
  • Visualized data using D3.
  • Developed a web-based analytic tool to compare cities.


SoundScape: Sound Enabled Shape-Changing Material, MIT

Tangible Interfaces

  • Designed interactive prototype of visualizing economic data of distressed communities through interactive maps.


UM Community Economic Adjustment Program, UM

Project Leader, Information Visualization

  • Designed interactive prototype of visualizing economic data of distressed communities through interactive maps.


GlobaLens: A service Design Evaluation, UM

  • Applied the principles of service innovation to Globalens to enhance the existing features.
  • Proposed new features that would give Globalens a competitive edge over other Business Cases’ providers.


ANDOR; Individually-Boxed Shoe Store, UM

Information Architecture

  • Designed the website wireframe that extends the physical store experience online.


Bugs 2.0: Enhance the Collaboration between Developers and Novice Bug Reporters, UM

Computer Supported Cooperative Work

  • Interviewed developers and project manages to understand bug reporting response.
  • Designed a web interface bug reporting component to improve bug tracking process.


UM Wolverine Access Advisement System, UM

Evaluation of Systems and Services

  • Evaluated the success in accomplishing the user organizational goals.


Microsoft Sync, UM

Human Behavior

  • Investigated how Microsoft SYNC system would affect human attention while driving.
  • Studied the frustration occurred in using the system, and measuring the attention level on multiple tasks while driving.


MuseComp: Ann Arbor Hands On Museum, UM

Project Leader, Interface and Interaction Design

  • Designed a tour guide application for mobile devices.
  • Developed an iPhone App.


3 Degree of Freedom (DoF) Robot Arm, KFUPM


  • Fabricated and designed a 3DoF robot arm
  • Configured the arm control.
  • The robot arm is to be controlled over the university Local Area Network (LAN).



Hardware Group Leader

  • Designed and built a wearable device for elderly that track their health progress.
  • Built a robot guide to assist people with deficiencies inside hospitals.



  • Designed a serial to Parallel Data converter.
  • This includes logic design, transistor level, and VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) circuit design.


Stairs-Climbing Robot, KFUPM

  • Designed and fabricated the robot to detect and climb stairs with a leveled surface (load area).
  • Programmed the robot controller using a RabitCC micro controller.
  • Fabricated the robot printed circuit board (PCB).


Multi-location LAN Design, KFUPM

Group Leader

  • Designed an enterprise network for MoTex (a modern textile company).
  • The network connects multiple-floors building, and multiple branches in different cities.
  • The network is designed to fulfill MoTex requirements of reliability, redundancy, performance, efficient manageability and cost effectiveness.



System Dynamics Workshop.

Agent Based Modeling Workshop.

CX202: Complex Systems Modeling and Network Course

GIS Training Course


SKYWAN network installation, commissioning & operation


Workshop on Business Ethics


Workshop on How to Start a Small Business

Workshop on Leadership & Teamwork Skills

Workshop on Advanced Learning Skills

Workshop on Brain and Thinking Abilities Skills

Workshop on Developing Creativity



Research @ ML, 2015

TEDxUofM, 2010 - 2011

First national IEEE Geographical Information System, 2005 - 2005

International Conference on Information & Computer Science, 2004 - 2004


ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 2009 - 2009

12th Annual IEEE Technical Exchange Meeting (TEM), 2005 - 2005

11th Annual IEEE TEM, 2004 - 2004

Local Leader

IxDA Ann Arbor, 2009 - 2012


IxDA, 2009


IEEE, 2003


IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), 2013 - 2014


Butterfly LLC (Design and Innovation Consulting Company), 2011


2013 - 2020

King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, Full Scholarship: covers tuition and living expenses.


New England Complex Systems Institute (NECSI) Scholarship.


Startup Weekend Ann Arbor, 3rd Place Award.


Best project award ExpoSItion, MuseComp.

2007 - 2009

King Abdullah Full Scholarship: covers tuition and living expenses.


University Distinction, KFUPM.


Dean’s List, CCSE, KFUPM.


Best project award, 3DoF Robot Arm, KFUPM.

2005 - 2006

Atos Origin ME Scholarship: covers living expenses.



Human-Computer Interaction, big-data interactive visualization, tangible interfaces, decision making, collaborative digital workspaces, visual analytics, data exploration.


Improving language and intercultural social skills, neuroscience, robotics.


Competitive Rowing, skydiving, horseback riding, fencing, drawing, traveling.



English, Arabic, German, Spanish.

Design Tools

Adobe Creative Suite, 3DsMax, Blender.


C++, Objective-C, Django, Python, Java, Assembly, PHP, C.


Processing, HTML/CSS, Javascript, JQuery, D3.


Object recognition, Image processing, Agent Based Modeling.