Mo. Works

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VIEWconomy | Default

Interactive visualization of automotive plants closure in the Mid West

Information Visualization project. Address the economy situation of automotive plants closure in the Mid West in an interactive way...

Contextual Inquiry, Design, User Testing
Omnigraffle, Adobe Flash, Adobe Illustrator, Jing

ANDor | Default

Designing online experience for a new shoe concept

Information Architecture project. Creating a web presence of a new product that has a special characteristics and experience in a physical store... This is an Information Architecture project. The professor has an interesting unique idea for selling shoes. That is a WHOLE NEW EXPERIENCE. Our task was to translate/transfer the experience, of selling the product in the physical store, online. There was constrains and special characteristics for that experience in the physical store that we had to keep in mind.

Market Research, Design

Bugs2.0 | Default

Enhanced bug submission/tracking tool

Computer Supported Cooperative Work project. Enhance the collaboration between developers and users who submit bugs to open source projects...

Contextual Inquiry, Design, Programming, User Testing
Omnigraffle, html/css, database

MuseComp | Default

Interactive mobile application design for children visiting the Ann Arbor Hands-on Museum

Interface and Interaction Design Project. Creating a mobile device interface for the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum that will be used by children to increase their interaction with exhibits in the museum and share the experience with their family.

Contextual Inquiry, Design, User Testing
Adobe Flash, Nokia N800

3D Building Design | Default

Designing a 3D model of my parent house in AutoCAD

Architecture Engineering Project. Creating a 3D model of my parent house in Saudi Arabia using 3D software. (real Dimensions)

Design, User Testing
AutoCAD, 3Ds Max, Adobe Premiere

Wolverine Access | Default

Evaluation of the University of Michigan Wolverine Access System

Systems Evaluation Project. Evaluating the new Wolverine Access Student Interactive System in terms of its usability among UM Students (population) before it gets published and provide feedback on how to improve it.

Contextual Inquiry, Evaluation, Competitive analysis, User Testing, Design
Microsoft Viseo, IT Guru
final presentation

Ojibwa | Default

A study of the process that certify Ojibwa language as a second language for high school students

A contextual Inquiry and Project Management Project. We studied the complication that was presented at that time on the process that allow Ojibwa language o be certified as a second language for high school students by the State of Michigan Department of Education and, and made recommendation based on our studies, research and analsis.

Contextual Inquiry

MS SYNC | Default

A study of Microsoft SYNC and how it might affect human attention while driving

Microsoft Sync and Human BehaviourA Human Behaviour Project. Studied how Microsoft SYNC system would affect human attention while driving. That includes frustration, attention on multiple tasks while driving...

Research, Evaluation

3DoF Robot Arm | Default

Design and fabrication of a 3DoF robot arm

Fabricated and designed the arm that would be controlled over the University Local Area Network (LAN). Also, worked partially on programming the arm control.

Contextual Inquiry, Design, User Testing
aluminum material, motors

Network Design | Default

Design of a Local Area Network for a multi branches company

Design a network for texture company that has a main office in one location and 4 other offices in 4 different locations (cities). That includes assisting the type of software used by the employees, their clients, accessibility, sharing, redundancy...

Market Research, Evaluation, Design
Microsoft Viseo, IT Guru

VLSI Design | Default

Design of a serial to parallel data converter, from logical design to VLSI design

Designing a serial to Parallel Data converter from the logic design to transistor level to the VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) circuit design...

Xilinx, WinSpice, Magic (VLSI)

SEMS | Default

Design and build a contextual awareness device for elderly

Designing and building a wearable device that would be used by elderly people to help them on manage their health by collecting information about the patient health and send them to hospital database. In addition, we had a robot that would serve as a guide to people with deficiencies in hospital once they enter the door...

Market Research, Design, Programming, Assembling
java, microprocessor, RFID, WIFI, Sensors

Stairs-Climbing Robot | Default

Design and built a robot that can climb stairs with a leveled horizontal surface

This was my senior project (undergraduate). We designed and fabricated a robot that can detect stairs and climb them without any change on the robot surface (load area); keep the surface horizontal with no inclines when climbing...

Design, soldering, fabricating, C-Programming
PCB (printed circuit board) design tool, Rabbit Microprocessor, Motors, Sensors

GlobaLens | Default

Evaluation of GlobaLens, using service innovation process

Systems Evaluation Project. Evaluating the new Wolverine Access Student Interactive System in terms of its usability among UM Students (population) before it gets published and provide feedback on how to improve it.

Emphatic Research, Customer Journey, Service Blueprint, Ideation

CiteVizer | Default

Developing an idea/technology to a potential business

Entrepreneurial Studies Project. We practiced how how to design an innovative business for technology products and service.

Starter Concept, Technology/Community/Influence Maps, Contextual Inquiry, Product Offering, Business Hypothesis

Haflinger | Default

Treatment planning system 2.0 that supports treatment team collaboration

A desktop application that is used by physicians, physicists, dosimetrists, and the rest of the treatment team. This application enables the user to track and manage patients, as well as plan the treatment and setup/edit the beams before uploading the plan to the treatment machine. The interface was designed after intensive user study of the treatment team and their treatment process.

contextual Inquiry, Affinity Wall, design, prototyping, Evaluation
Java, Flash, Adobe CS

NGSystem | Default

Initial stage of advancing the treatment planning process. During this project, I've updated the upload/download files screen interface, and enhanced the user experience for the existing system. This project involved heuristic evaluation of the existing system, and exploration of other treatment planning systems.

contextual Inquiry, design, prototyping, Evaluation
Java, QT, Flash, Adobe CS

SIPS | Default

Addressing the challenges that many countries experience with the rapid growth in demand for energy, water and other infrastructure services

The purpose of the project is to develop a decision support system that addresses sustainability challenges in development and improves decision making when it comes to current and future coupled infrastructure decisions.

prototyping, contextual inquiry
javascript, d3, processing
project page

CoPI | Default

A Web-Based Collaborative Planning Interface Platform (CoPI)

CoPI is a web-based multiuser collaboration interface platform for planning of complex systems. The interface provides analytical and visualization components to support decision makers. The Interface is designed using a user-centered design approach, while considering existing tools and environments in the field of decision support systems. The architecture and structure of the Interface are described, in the publication, as well as the flow of the user experience within the system. Finally, a case study explains the use of CoPI in collaborative policy planning for large-scale infrastructures is included. The work is published under the "Human Interface and the Management of Information" book.

design, contextual inquiry, prototyping, evaluation
javascript, d3, Adobe CS
publication link

Financial Disclosure | Default

Politicians' Stock Picking. Are they any good?

Visualization tool to plot a senator or a congressman's stock holding compared against the S&P500. This was the bicoastal winning project for the Bicoastal Datafest contest. The Datafest theme was: "Analyzing money's influence in politics". The goal was to contribute to making data analysis and computational thinking a common skill in journalism, social sciences and the nonprofit sector. We had two objectives: 1) to discover new insights that would be useful for journalists, social scientists, researchers, policy makers and policy advocates. 2) to create reusable resources. These can be apps, standalone websites, R code, interactive spreadsheets and so on.

datafest website

Taqnia | Default

A branding solution for the forefront of technology innovation in Saudi Arabia

Since TAQNIA will be at the forefront of technology innovation in Saudi Arabia, a great deal went into designing a logo befitting of such a name. The design was based on the following theme: TAQNIA will be a technology-based company, with a distinct local identity that includes multiple divisions. With this in mind, we focused our research on concepts related to technology/production, Arabic calligraphy/typology and the multi-disciplinary nature of the company, to reflect these themes.

design, evaluation
Photoshop, Illustrator, Apple Motion
company website

CityScope | Default

Urban intervention simulation system for new and existing cities

In CityScope we focus on developing simulation systems that can predict and quantify the potential impact of disruptive technologies within new and existing cities. I Developed a tangible interface to interact with the CityScope LEGO model using object detection and image processing techniques.

image processing, object detection, design, prototyping, evaluation
Processing, python, XCode/C++, twitter API
publication link

SoundScape | Default

Sound-enabled shape-changing material

Tangible Interfaces class project for the programmable material topic. SoundScape is a new tool for physically interacting with sound. Utilizing the transformative capacity of Radical Atoms, we propose a new material technology, which physically embodies sound in real time and gives the user a tangible handle through which the audio can be shaped as well. Thus, SoundScape engages a new territory where sound and matter are physically coupled in an active, two-way relationship.

design, prototyping
Adobe Premiere
publication (to be submitted to CHI'16)

MagGlass | Default

A tangible digital shadow magnifying glass

Tangible Interfaces class project for the digital shadow topic. We wanted to instill a spirit of exploration which combines the power of digitally archived knowledge with the joy of physical learning. The metaphor of a magnifying glass revealing detail or knowledge is utilized while incorporating the concept of handles and digital shadows: The action of moving our device closer or further away changes the level of detail presented to the user.

design, prototyping
iPhone SDK, Apple motion

CreativeCities | Default

What elements in a city could be related with higher levels of innovation

The main question we’re trying to answer is in a city where there are neighborhoods for innovation, is there a correlation with smart city planning (i.e. availability of public transportation, common areas to meet and congregate, and public education availability)

design, data munging, data analysis, visualization
d3, github, QGIS
project website
github repo
process book
IEEE InfoVis poster

MultiMultiVis | Default

Multi-Entities Multi-Attributes Data Visualization

Using positions of elements to represent values of attributes of entities. The higher the value the closer it is to the entity element (node). For example, If we have 3 cities, and we're comparing the number of resturants and schools of these cities, each attribute will be colored coded and the position of that attribute will be closer to the city with higher value of that attribute.

prototyping, quantitative analysis
d3, github
github repo (MIT access)

Program X | Default

Visualization of Maarifah innovation network and flagship projects

Developed different visualization to be used in the Maarifah Program X report. This includes the stake holder value analysis SVNA, product space and research space. For aesthetics, I used the minimum spanning tree (MST) to reduce the number of links for the network diagram.

design, prototyping, MST
d3, AWS EC2

MOOSim | Default

A web-based multiobjective optimization game

The task of the game is to find an optimal layout for a new city, which comprises 5x5 sqm and 50’000 inhabitants that will satisfy multiple disparate stakeholders. The stakeholder groups are: a) Local Greenpeace Chapter, b) Chamber of Commerce, c) City Council (Government), d) Resident’s Association, e) State Highway Commission. MOO City Planning Game was used to do multiobjective city planning at an MIT class / gaming level by Prof. Olivier de Weck.

genetic algorithm, evaluation, design, visualization
d3, javascript, Matlab
github repo (MIT access)

CityGame | Default

A web-based multiobjective negotiation and decision-support game

Master thesis work. CityGame is a tangible user interface and a serious game for an urban planning scenario. The game supports different modalities, and can be used to evaluate the decision-making process between different collaborators with conflicting objectives.

research, paper prototyping, UI and interaction evaluation, evaluation, design, within-subjects user study
d3, Adobe CS, node.js, heroku, github
project website
github repo (MIT access)